
The Thomas Kay Mill was one of the last water driven mills in Oregon. It is now a museum.

Trying pen and watercolor in my journal. I worked from a reference photo I took last summer.


I used my iPad to reverse the photo and change it to black and white and size it for my journal.


I then traced the image onto tracing paper with a soft pencil and transferred it to my journal by rubbing the back of the tracing with the smooth round end of a pen. This transferred the pencil marks to the page.

Next I used a Micron 02 pen to create a pen and ink sketch over the tracing and erased the pencil.


About a week later I added watercolor. I looked at the original photo on my iPad as a reference while I painted.

Moleskine watercolor journal, Micron 02 pen, Lucas tube paints – Alizarin Crimson, Cobalt Blue, Light Yellow, Sap Green, Burnt Sienna, Viridian, Paynes Grey.
