It has been a long time since I painted with oils on canvas. I did this small study (6×6 inches, 15×15 cm) to remind myself of the process. I’m using Holbein water soluble oils. I first did an underpainting in blue and pink.
I let that dry for three days. I painted the rest in one go (alla prima wet-on-wet). I used a small palette knife, a #2 flat bristle brush, a #8 round brush, and a #4 round brush. Sometimes I thinned the paint with water, but mostly I used it straight from the tube.
I took the photo reference with my cellphone. I didn’t want to risk taking my good camera out on the kayak.
Notice I cut and pasted a better photo of my wife’s kayak into the reference.
Now that I’ve got my kit and process down, it’s time to take it on location.