Just a little song for for those mornin’ blues. I recorded this on my iPad using its built-in microphone. I created it in MultiTrack DAW with two tracks – one for the harmonica and one for my voice. I had to piece it together from two different recordings. It is heavily edited. It will be a while before I can play and sing at the same time like Buster Brown.
Lucy says:
Thanks so much. I really needed this. Today the headache has gone and I “overslept” till 9:45 this morning. I must have really needed this sleep. Usually I wake up on retirement time at 8. It is sunny and warm, but not humid. I’m going to be in the pool today, just as soon as I get the dead frog out of the bottom! Chlorine is not good for them. *grin* Usually I net them early and throw them back outside the screened in pool, but I suspect that this is a repeat offender. Probably should have put him in my neighbor’s yard! Lucy
April 17, 2011 — 2:14 pm